By: Alyssa Lenhoff-Briggs
My Inbox has been flooded.
Teachers from Cleveland. After-school providers in Youngstown. Principals in Akron. And more
than 30 others responded to a call to be a pilot site for a new project Girls Who Code is
developing for elementary schools.
Unfortunately, Girls Who Code only has room for two to join the pilot. While the NeoStem
Ecosystem certainly understands that Girls Who Code has limited capacity for this project, we
don’t want your desire to bring coding to elementary schools to go unmet.
So, we’ve developed a plan to give you tools to bring coding to elementary school children that
you see in an in-school or out-of-school settings.
From 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on March 7, Jeremy Shorr and Tim Sisson will lead a workshop at
the Cuyahoga County Educational Service Center designed to give you activities and tools to
take to your classrooms to launch your coding work.
During those two-hour sessions, you will:
- Learn some coding. (No prior experience is needed.)
- Gain access to classroom materials you can share with your students, including adviceabout activities you can implement.
- Develop a concrete plan for how you will bring coding to your elementary school students.
- And once the two hours have ended, we will facilitate a Community of Practice for elementary school coding.
This Community of Practice will include an online discussion board, monthly webinars and two follow-up gatherings before the end of the school year.
The cost for the two-hour session and to join the Community of Practice is only $60 and
includes the materials you will need to start the coding in your classroom. Also, snacks will be
Please sign up here:
Facilitators: Tim Sisson and Jeremy Shorr
Questions: Alyssa Briggs –