Educators of all grades
Wednesday, November 9, 2016: 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
A 2-part seminar series designed to learn about present research conducted at the Museum and gain a strong understanding of concepts in Evolutionary Biology
• First session of a 2-part series led by Invertebrate Zoology Collections Manager, Dr. Nicole Gunter
• Introduction on fundamental aspects of Evolutionary Biology including speciation, adaptation, survival and extinction, the history of life and phylogenetics
• Tour the zoology and paleontology collections, and molecular DNA laboratory at the Museum
• Refreshments provided
Educators of grades 2-6
Thursday, December 1, 2016: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Second session of a 2-part series led by Invertebrate Zoology Collections Manager, Dr. Nicole Gunter
• Review fundamental concepts
• Understand pitfalls and misconceptions in teaching these topics
• Create hands-on activities, connected to learning standards, for use in the classroom
• Refreshments provided
Educators of grades 7-12
Tuesday, December 6, 2016: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Second session of a 2-part series led by Invertebrate Zoology Collections Manager, Dr. Nicole Gunter
• Review fundamental concepts
• Understand pitfalls and misconceptions in teaching these topics
• Create hands-on activities, connected to learning standards, for use in the classroom
• Refreshments provided
Series Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Evolution