Learning Pods, the Digital Divide

Learn How to Support These & Other Initiatives at the Sept. 1 meeting of NeoSTEM Ecosystem

Register for the meeting here

There is an open call for proposals from organizations interested in providing academic learning pods for Cleveland Metropolitan School District students.

(This RFP for ALPs will consist of grants to organizations providing space, academic supervision, and/or enrichment programs between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday beginning Monday, Sept. 14, 2020 – Nov. 13, 2020 (9 weeks). Parents will be asked to register for 3-week sessions.

[minti_button link=”https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvfu2rqTwiHtBRea3-URp7s2IBpXx71fwT” size=”small” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”color-1″ icon=””]Register Here[/minti_button]

The Deadline for Submissions of Proposals is 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 3.

Open Call for Proposals for Learning Pods

Focus Areas for the Sept. 1 Meeting of NeoSTEM  

Dale Anglin of the Cleveland Foundation will provide an update about various initiatives to support students, teachers and families in Cleveland, including the RFP for Learning Pods. She will also discuss strategies for how you can support the work.

Additionally, Curt Williams of the Digital Equity Coalition and Dorothy Banauch from Digital C will discuss the work that is being done to get students and families online now.

Please join us and send along questions, comments or suggestions to me at AlyssaBriggs@TiesTeach.org

Please see the agenda and list of speakers here.

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